Thursday 19 November 2015

                                                       SHARE THE CARE 

I love being a mom because of the giggles, hugs and the grins. when my daughter is happy, I am on cloud 9.she has taught me to be more loving,patient and much more appreciated each time.
I promise my little angle with all precious care I can give to her.
Baby's skin is very delicate and sensitive and hence should be take care around the year.
cold ,cough, flu are the most common disease in this season and the reason for same can be partly negligence toward correct diapering. With little more attention you can prevent your baby from this seasonal infection.

Cold and dry winter weather can be harsh on baby's delicate skin. wheather use cloth diaper or disposable, diaper care become more essential to ensure this area stay dry and clean.

5 things that can be done to keep a baby’s soft skin safe.


Winter call for frequent diaper changing and additional diaper care for babies. Both diaper clothes or disposable diaper have their own advantage and disadvantage, I really advice Disposable diaper for winter specially and I too switch to disposable diapers as they have more absorbing capacity and keep the baby dry for a longer time.

Dress them up in full legged, warm yet breathable and comfortable pajamas, leg warmers or pants. Avoid tight fitting bottoms, as they can interfere with diapers and cause uneasiness in the baby.

One of the other important rules of diaper care in the winter is to keep baby’s bottoms moisturized all the time. Good quality moisturizer should be applied on babies after bath, before every nappy change and before taking them outdoors. 


24/7 diapering during winter can cause friction or generate heat rashes in babies. Hence, diaper-free time is very crucial to expose your baby’s bottom to the air. Leave your baby’s tush bare and free for about 10-15 minutes every day


As in winter baby's wet a lot in winter so keep a check and change diaper frequently. before applying new diaper clean the area with wipes and apply cream too.

New range of Pampers Premium Care Pants surely grab your attention as mine. I am using pamper for my baby from the day she enter into diaper world. pamper take my tension away , she remain dry and clean for hours My daughter Shranya is pamper baby undoubtedly.

“Pampers brings you the softest ever Pampers Premium Care Pants. Its cotton-like softness is #SoftestForBabySkin and allows it to breathe, thus keeping baby’s skin soft and healthy, and your baby happy. ”

With these diapering tips for winter, you can rest assured that your baby smiles his or her way through the cold months

Tuesday 3 November 2015


Hii Readers

This article is Mom's special as it narrates of mY kid's care. This article surely grab your attention.

Babies first tender touch, touches the soul. Babies are Gods wonder.
First time mothers are always caution about care of new born..

I remember the soft and divine touch of my baby which bought tears of happiness in my eyes and there and then I pledged to protect her from all the pains. The fern soft blessing in my hand make me so careful/vigil everytime I use to hold her.

Five hand-picked tips I would like to share to protect your babies sensitive skin -
1.Regular bath of baby

Take advantage of this perfect opportunity to pamper your child from head to toe and keep his/her skin soft and clean.

For the first month or so, a sponge bath two or three times a week will keep your baby safely clean. In between, clean baby’s 
mouth and diaper area with a little luke warm water or baby cleanser.

2.Don't use Scented baby products in the early months.

I have done this mistake , I have used baby powder for my baby  and It turn out to be nightmare for me and my baby , she suffer from infection from that powder and I really cried to see my baby in that condition so guys learn from my mistake never ever use scented baby products in early months.

3.Wash baby's clothing before it's worn.

I use to wash my baby clothes In dettol to make them germ free.
Use only baby laundry detergents which are fragrance and dye-free. Wash baby clothes, bedding, and blankets separately from the family's laundry so no infection can be caused due to mix.

4. Be hygienic before holding your darling 

Always wash your hands before holding it and avoid lots of kisses or guest touches to your baby as it is not hygienic. Who so ever come from outside, carry dust along with, so to keep your angel safe , ask them to wash hands.
I remember In my case when my angel was born and visitor come from outside . My mom use to ask them to sit in different room for five minutes and them wash their hands before entering in babies room. Me and my mom keep a watch that no one kisses her in early months so that no infection is pass on to her.

5.Check baby diaper frequently
Even if baby is dressed in several layers, check the diaper frequently; the skin under diper area is vulnerable to moisture, heat, and irritants.
Your baby's bottom may get red and tender by
wearing a wet or dirty diaper for too long, friction from tight-fitting diaper, and excessive heat and sweating.

Sharing my experience I use to use cotton clothes for diaper in earlier month as my mother told me that it is softest fabric for my child and air pass easily.
But in winter I do not find it good way to protect from wetness . In winter my daughter use to wet her clothes a lot as she do not like to take blanket on her .I use to went into deep sleep ,I am not able to check her frequently . she frequently suffer from cold,cough and fever as the clothe remain wet all night .

Then I got solution in PAMPERS which bought happiness and relief on mine and husbands face.  “PAMPER” was our saviour and from then  till now I am using it for my baby .

Did you know pamper has become better and
softest ever it has feather touch which keeps you baby dry all night long . “Pampers Premium Care Pants”

If the baby is happy then smile automatic transfers to parents  and that is the precious thing in the world.

I am keeping my promise to protect my baby , Are YOU?

Hope this article , help you to protect Your darling dear.

 “Pampers brings you the softest ever Pampers Premium Care Pants. Its cotton-like softness is #SoftestForBabySkin and allows it to breathe, thus keeping baby’s skin soft and healthy, and your baby happy. ”